If you choose to remove these items after a set time, you can choose from one day later to up to three months later. Quarantined items can be set up to be deleted automatically or kept forever.Choose the default action that MSE takes (for example, to remove or allow the threat) when a threat is identified as having a severe, high, medium, or low alert.The History tab keeps a record of quarantined and allowed items so that you can check how the program performs.Use it to automatically turn on Windows Firewall if no other firewall program is enabled.Archives and removable drives can be set to be scanned in a full scan.Lets you limit how much of the CPU can be used to run scans, anywhere from 10-100 percent.View the last time the MSE definitions were updated, as well as the current spyware and virus definition version number.A simple green or red indicator makes it easy to see if you're protected or not.Trigger a scan directly from Windows Explorer's right-click menu.Files, locations, file types, and processes can be excluded from scans.

Presents an easy-to-use, on-demand virus scanner for manual malware checks, or it schedules scans (quick or full) to run daily or on any day of the week, at any specified time of day.

Fully functional engines to guard against viruses and most other kinds of malware.